Your View Matters!
Regulatory Barriers and Business Opportunities in Japan: How Can the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement Help?
A survey of EU and EU-invested businesses, associations, advisors and other stakeholders.

The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), in force since 2019, facilitates trade and investment between the EU and Japan, not only by removing or reducing customs duties and other market access barriers, but also by eliminating or reducing regulatory barriers that stand in the way of EU companies exporting their products and services to Japan.

Barriers might include diverging or unnecessarily complicated technical standards, burdensome food safety rules, cumbersome procedures for approving products on the Japanese market, costly checks to ensure their conformity with Japanese requirements, or unnecessarily complex regulations, standards and procedures for services and services providers. Such barriers can impose additional costs and greater administrative burdens, resulting in reduced or lost trade opportunities.

The EPA includes mechanisms that allow the EU and Japan to cooperate with a view to addressing existing regulatory barriers and preventing the emergence of new ones.
While the EPA is clearly a success, it is also clear that some work remains to be done. This survey aims to help us better understand some key aspects of business reality under and with the EPA. We want to know what works and what doesn’t (yet) work, in your view. One focus is on those regulatory barriers you may be encountering, and any ideas you may have on the need to develop and align new standards or technical regulations that can facilitate and enhance trade between the EU and Japan.

This survey is conducted by a team of consultants (WTI Advisors/GOPA/Gopa Com.) under the auspices and for the benefit of the European Union Delegation to Japan. The survey should not take more than 5-8 minutes of your time. Answers will only be shared with the EU Delegation. All business-related information, should you choose to provide any –, will be kept in confidence, and will only be reflected in aggregate form in reports, unless you explicitly authorize us otherwise. If you have already participated in previous surveys, please take a moment to participate again.

Please be as generous with your comments as you can - they are very useful for us!

Thank you very much in advance for your engagement! For any question, please contact us at

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* 2. Are you a

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* 3. In which sector(s) do you operate?

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* 4. What is the name of your company or organisation? (optional)

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* 5. Where do you obtain information about the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)?

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* 6. Besides the EU-Japan EPA, do you make use of preferences or other benefits provided by other trade agreements in the region?

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* 7. How does the EPA help your business? (Check as many as apply)